


做好思考的准备, teach and lead professionally in a variety of educational settings through Columbia International University’s educational degree programs.

Learn to tap the tremendous opportunities available in the field of education as an educator, 策划和领导. At CIU you will get the professional training you need to prepare yourself to excel. You can become an educational professional, possessing the skills to go above and beyond in the field of learning and teaching.

The degree programs are based on a philosophy of education that approaches both the means and the ends of learning through instructional strategies, 课程内容, 简洁的知识, 技能与性格. Columbia International University’s unique intercultural foundation prepares you to think in culturally responsive ways within increasingly diverse classrooms.

In this program, we want you to:

  • 追求 你作为老师的热情, and dive deep into the courses of teaching, alongside with the psychology of children and theories.
  • 分析 patterns of current problems with teaching, as well as finding out the most efficient way to lead a classroom and organize yourself with proper schedules and timing.
  • 探索 your desired subjects in greater detail, allowing you to equip yourself with advanced knowledge of educational subjects.

CIU’s 教育学院 offers state approved teaching programs at all levels. For more information, visit 教育学院.

教育与教学 Degree Programs




Benefits of a CIU Education Degree

  • 高参与度课程: 专业人士授课, the classroom environment involves driven professors to teach you relevant and effective information in the educational field.
  • 对全球的影响: CIU contains a diverse student body, which allows for opportunity to biblically educate worldwide.
  • 网络的机会: You will have increased marketability, allowing yourself for plenty of job opportunities in the future from any educational organization.
  • Transfer-Friendly Programs: 从任何一所大学, 无论你在哪里, we provide transfer-friendly programs that allow you to enroll from where you left off.
  • Personal Growth and Self-Esteem: You will find yourself in a deeply rewarding experience through this degree, allowing yourself to polish your presentation skills and social interactions with students who will become part of your valuable career network.